Duffle bag for days

11 days?!?!? I can’t believe that we will be departing for Yap in 11 days. I am getting more and more excited as I check things off my YAP to do list. Cot? Check. Scuba gear? Check. Duffle bag that my cot will fit in? Double check, for the win, (no extra $140 for this girl). As excited as I am, I’m almost just as nervous. I have never traveled internationally, that I can recall but I know that this will be a grand first experience. Our class is such a phenomenal group of people and I couldn’t be happier to know that these are the people that I will be spending the next 3 weeks with in a tiny room on humid, tropical island  the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The dive class that we took with gsully made me realize that its really happening, although I don’t think my excitement will really hit until we on the plane and maybe even til we get there.  I think I am most excited to meet the people we will be working with and enjoying getting to see pieces of the culture of Yap that other travelers don’t get the privilege to experience.

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