Keeping the Music When it’s Your Job

Sometimes it is difficult to keep music as something that is fun, when it becomes your work – hashtag musictherapyproblems.

Really though, one can start to dread picking up the guitar, again, for the fifth time, in the last hour, to play ‘It’s a Small World’ because the five year old children seem to have all been to Disneyland at the EXACT same time and they ALL WANT THE SAME SONG! *breathe*


So, what do we do?


Here are 5 quick thoughts:

1) Rightfully obsess over a musical movie – Les Mis was a great one, as is Mulan Rouge, The Producers, Rent and Chicago. Let the amazing multitasking of the dancer/singer/actor magical madness that possesses the screen overtake you! Enjoy it. Sing along. Try and teach  your dog the harmony so you’re not singing both parts at the same time, again.

2) Write music – If it’s your gift, write a song! Heck, write a song about how you don’t like music anymore – “Love Song” anyone?

3) Go to a concert – Let the performers take you to a magical place where the music is all you live for. We, as music therapists have our purpose in life, and so do performers. Let Beyonce sing you home. Live is always better – if they can actually sing, which they would because musically inclined people rarely obsess over digitized vocals…

4) Make a favorite play list, and don’t over do it – Listen to it when you get really low, the good stuff. We’re talking Idina Menzel and Christina Aguilera stuff! Whip it out, whip it good, then put it away until the next breakdown.

5) Sit in silence – Read a book, enjoy the sunshine, take a second to let your mind settle, and you’ll remember why you love it, because we all love it.


Go in peace and music, and relax 🙂

Sam – MTS