The United States of Yap

If the United States is going to continue spending vast amounts of money to stimulate and support the econonomy in Yap, we might as well make it a part of the states…but not really. As we have learned in the readings, being that Yap relies solely on the funding and aid of outside sources (mainly the US), it is imperative that the coutry find a way to stimulate its economy on its own.

Without aid coming from the United States and other countries, Yap would cease to exist. Although the land may be there, there would be no form of monitary resource and it would not be hospitable live. If the Yapese can find a way to generate their own income to support their economy they will have the opportunity to grow as a country, as well as improve their current living conditions. While the small island may not have the capability to grow into a great nation such as the United States, it does however have opportunity to grow as a small country and increase its power and wealth. Relying too much on outside funding and resources, the country is limiting its ability to grow and individualize. If it continues to allow other countries to manage their economy and governemnt, the country will see a loss of culture as well as a complete change in its history. In order to remain the unique island that it has always been, Yap must begin to generate their own economy and find ways to support it as well. Although expanding buisness internationally is typically a good thing for growing countries, it may be benficial for Yap to keep their resources to themselves and thrive off of their own land and capabilties.

One thought on “The United States of Yap

  1. I completely agree that Yap needs to become independent from outside assistance so that it may prosper and be held by no one. Being linked with the US is a liability because we have pull in every aspect. If the big US wants Yap to do something, they cannot say no because we could cut a number of the things we provide for them. Another thing that needs to be cleared up, is what it means to be sustainable. Yap does not need an economy like our because it is not our size with our demands or our needs. Yap needs to find a system that works for them and only them with their collective needs, wants and abilities. Luckily, we are helping them keep their identiy one JBiP trip at a time 🙂

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